I know it was a week ago that they left, but I am just now getting around to blogging the last of the Kelly and Roko visit. It was just such a blast! Kelly and I realized that we have a ton in common. We enjoy similar craftyness, we have similar parenting styles, and we're both way cool. I just really enjoyed having Kelly around. And Roko was just killing me with how much he reminded me of my brother. It was like having a little tiny Mark running around my house! And run around my house he did. It didn't take him long at all to start following the pack.
Roko wore this pirate patch for an entire day - including our trip to Costco and a few other errands.
The day of the baby shower Kelly, Ruth and I took the kids to the mall to kill some time without messing up the house. We rode the carousel.
Here's everybody walking through the mall parking lot. Aren't they the picture of extended family togetherness?
Oh how happy we are! That is truly the picture of family togetherness eternal style!
I've gotta say, we had a ton of fun! And Roko is really missing everyone!
You sure all know how to enjoy each other!
(Looking at the carrousel pic, it's unvelievable how Naomi is growing up. She's a doll!)
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