Monday, April 2, 2012

General Conference Weekend Highlights

Richard flew home Saturday at 11am and flew out again Sunday at 3pm. Does he have another family somewhere else? (Just kidding - actually he's working very hard and we appreciate that.)

The big kids watched an entire session of Conference. They did great! We put a cup of jelly beans on the mantel for each of them and told them the cups held 20 jelly beans right now and they'd get to eat them all after Conference. But that each time we had to pause Conference to deal with them or shush them or whatever, Mom or Dad would eat one of their jelly beans. Only 5 jelly beans were eaten by Mom and Dad during the entire 2 hours!

Our only-three-years-old blue plaid couch is falling apart. Luckily we have a warranty. So we got to go choose a new couch. We chose a new dark-blue couch and a leather recliner (to replace the chair and ottoman that we bought used six years ago). Next step, choose a paint color for the family room and kitchen! The front runner right now: a very light gray with blue tones.

Spring Break has begun! We don't have any going-away plans, but we do have plans for lots of fun little excursions. First off - swimming!

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