Monday, May 13, 2013

Sammy's Big Boy Bed

There's an "extra room" in this house that doesn't count as a bedroom solely based on it's lack of a closet.  So for a few months it was my craft room (a dream come true for me!).  But one Saturday in April, it turned into Sammy's new big boy bedroom.  Everybody pitched in to move all the boxes of craft stuff out, Daddy assembled this bed we already had, we moved in the one other piece of furniture we have for this room, made the bed, and Sammy was all set!

All the kids felt that they needed to try out the new bed.
 Here it is looking all actually put together.
 And here is the happy little big boy (looking very little in the that big bed!).

We didn't force Sammy to move over to this bed because we didn't want him to feel kicked out of his crib.  We just invited him to try it out at every nap and bed time.  After 3 days he tried napping in it and did a great job. It took another two days before he willingly tried it at night.  But after that he was all in and he hasn't gone back!  The xuxa (pacifier) did make the move with him - but that's next on the list of things to go!  (Right before diapers)
What a big boy!

1 comment:

Elieson Family said...

Hey - you need a new family portrait up top! I haven't read blogs in ages... glad you're still doing it. I just put some junk up too. Miss you!!!