Monday, June 18, 2007

Why my laundry takes so long

There are several reasons why my laundry takes so long to get done. If I'm being honest, the number one reason is that I hate doing it. But numbers two and three have specific names. Naomi and Asher. (Isaiah is too little to be that much trouble yet. Asher makes up for him though.) Here are a few pictures that illustrate part of the problem.

My sister-in-law, Stephanie, recently made the point that she doesn't have time to blog. Maybe this proves her point a bit. I just complained about laundry taking too long, while spending 10 minutes on the computer doing this post! But this post was way more fun than the laundry.


Nancy Clark said...

I can really relate to all of this. I was just telling Chris this morning how excited I was to finally have all the laundry folded, ready to be put in drawers...only four days since it started collecting and I started procrastinating putting it away. Imagine my joy later this morning to find that all the nice, neatly folded piles had been "unfolded" and spread all over the house! (all while I was blogging, of course)

Nancy Clark said...

I forgot my main point: your kids are adorable!

Sarah said...

I love the pic with the laundry basket hat! Yet another reason, however, why I only do laudry after my girls are asleep.

I'm so glad you guys have a blog! You don't mind if I add the link to your site to my blog, do you?

Jenny said...

Laundry is a never-ending nemesis...especially with kids. Welcome to the blog world!