Thursday, April 28, 2011


We rushed home from our Baltimore trip to throw ourselves into Easter. We died eggs Saturday night, and found them Sunday morning.
Even Sammy joined in the hunt. And then he ate a plastic egg.
After church we went over to Richard's brother Kevin's house for dinner. Ruth and her roomie joined us. Ruth did this photo shoot for us while we were there. Too bad the camera was *still* on the crazy, washed-out setting that we put it on for the aquarium photos days before. But, in the end, the camera setting didn't really matter since the kids were not cooperating.

Oh well. If you can't beat um, join um!

(Now, go back and look at all those family photos again. With the exception of the last one, there is one person who is perfectly posed in each shot. Naomi, of course. Always a perfect lady.)

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