Monday, July 19, 2010

The Start of a Short Hiatus OR Potty Training Isaiah

A short hiatus from diapers, that is.

Today Nanny Amy started potty training Isaiah! This was an interesting day since Amy's own child is only 9 months old, so she's never potty trained before. But she said she was up for the task (and I promised her a bonus at the end of the week for the extra drama). The day started with a special Daddy/Isaiah trip to Target where Isaiah picked out Thomas the Tank Engine underwear and M&Ms for a reward. Then they came home and Isaiah was thrilled to just put it right on. I so wish I had pictures, but sadly my camera batteries are dead. Isaiah was so proud of his new Thomas underwear that he walked around wagging his toosh and showing us all. For the beginning of potty training I give the kid a treat for each time they even attempt to "put pee in the toilet" by sitting on the throne. So Isaiah had at least 3 servings of 5 M&Ms each before 11am. Then he had an accident - which wasn't really surprising since he had yet to successfully pee in the toilet in his life. But the next time that Amy coerced him to sit on the toilet he had success!! His first morning in big-boy underwear and the total was one accident to one success. Not too shabby!

To keep up with the trend, we also let Asher wear his underwear during nap time for the first time. He's been pretty much potty trained for a year now, but during nap time I've always put a diaper on him and locked him in his room (oops, if you're with CPS I just mean "locked" in a metaphorical sense. If you're not with CPS but rather a Mom dealing with a crazy kid, I highly recommend switching the lock on your kids door knob so that it locks from the outside.) Anyway, Asher also successfully made it through nap time with clean and dry underwear.

It's just all about poop, pee and underwear around here right now.


SewsCute said...

Potty training is such a stressful time in my life! Oh goodness!! Emma was a bear to potty train, Kyle was a breeze! We'll see how Bee does once the older two are back in school and I start with the "training". I love hearing your confessions from the couch!!

erica said...

alice has been 'commando' since thurs last week (except church). it has helped with the 'poop' part. potty training - won't miss this part of motherhood ever.