Monday, April 21, 2008

Saturday's fence blitz

The fence is done! In one big blitz on Saturday it was all finished up. Richard's brothers Kevin and Roger win the prize for arriving early (8ish) Saturday morning to start. They quickly made great bounds of progress. The rest of the Worth's that were in town came around 12 and they were done by 5. The women and children played, chatted, and fed the workers (oh yeah, and did a little bit of shopping). I love that the Worth family is so good at working together. And that it is a fun, party-like, atmosphere as they work. No conflict or tension. We owe a huge thank you to everyone who was here. My Dad is my hero for doing most of this on his own. And we couldn't have done it without all the Worth's. Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone!

Roger and Kevin digging in early under the supervision of my Dad.
Fast progress!

Here you can see the 6 foot tall section of fence between us and the neighbors, meeting the 4 foot tall fence that goes around the rest of the house. And you can see one of the two gates. How luxurious to have *two* gates!

The bulk of the fence done! And Grandma Worth holding Isaiah.

Grandpa Worth and Grandpa Ashurst with Richard's oldest brother Bryan, installing the hardware on a gate.

Asher, cousin Ashby and Naomi playing on the slide while the men work.

Isaiah, enjoying the water table.

Naomi got such a kick out of having *two* Grandpa's with her on the same day. We love Grandpa's!


Jessica said...

The fence looks great! What made you decide to do a 4 foot fence?

Nancy Sabina said...

We like the view out our back windows, so we didn't want to loose that, and don't really feel like we need privacy so we thought the 4-foot fence was the way to go. Because of the HOA here, our only options were 4-foot, or 6-foot. Blah. I think a picket fence would have been really cute.

kashurst said...

What a beautiful fence! It looks so pro!

Clyde said...

Such a genius, "worth" way to spend a fun-filled Saturday:
family gathering + friendly hostess = finished fence

Now you can take longer breaks/showers/couch-naps... no worries about letting the kids go outside. :)

angela michelle said...

yay yay--have your kids even been inside today?