Wednesday, March 24, 2010

None Lamentational News

I'm still here. I just haven't wanted to whine too much on the blog. And I've been feeling very whiney lately. Pretty much every day I've mentally written a blog post entitled "Lamentations" in which I list my myriad of woes. But I'm pretty sure you guys don't really need to know all that. So I've stayed mute on the blog instead. ...It's not that my life has been awful lately, it's just that I'm whiney. Really I'm fine.

None Lamentational News:
I've been reading A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. I've enjoyed it and yet I'm bored with it. I don't feel like much has happened. It's an interesting look at life - there's just not much action.

Isaiah learned to say his own name in speech therapy. The best we've gotten out of him since then is "I -say-ew", but the teacher swore he was saying it in class. She also claims that he can say Naomi.

Next week is Spring Break. No grand plans, but we do hope to have at least a one-day adventure. Perhaps a day-hike somewhere in the Shenandoah National Forest.

We've decided to spend a good chunk of July in Texas. Still a good ways off, I know, but I'm always happier when I have a trip to my Mommy's house planned.

Spring flowers are popping up everywhere! I love when my daffodils bloom.


angela michelle said...

oh come on, give us a few whines. we can take it!

Nancy Sabina said...

Dont worry, Ang, you get all my whines - in a blog post or not.

Mom said...


Shannon said...

I know what you mean about the whining...I try not to blog either when all I have to do is whine...which sometimes results in long sections of time with no blogging. I consider myself a moody blogger. Way to look on the positive side of life, its not always easy. Thanks for sharing your adventures.

chelsea said...

Hang in there Nancy! I always feel better with a trip to Mommy's house planned too, well that and a little (or a lot) of chocolate never hurts!