We think our family is "worth" a million. A million hugs, smiles, years, laughs, thoughts
... a million everything.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Flip Flops
The weather around here has been flip-flop friendly! So I had to go out and buy this years round of cheap-o sandals. ... But clearly nobody has their Summer tan yet!
Well, no, *I* don't. But everybody else in my family seems to manage it. I've never been so proud of Naomi as the first time I noticed a tan line on her. ... I know, I know, skin cancer and all... I slather them in sunscreen every time we go out, but those little rugrats still get tan lines by the end of Summer.
Love the polka dot patern. (where did you get your sons' flip flops?)
Cylde, They're all from Target, except for Richard's plaid ones which he got at Old Navy.
cute toes
You get a "Summer tan"?
Well, no, *I* don't. But everybody else in my family seems to manage it. I've never been so proud of Naomi as the first time I noticed a tan line on her. ... I know, I know, skin cancer and all... I slather them in sunscreen every time we go out, but those little rugrats still get tan lines by the end of Summer.
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