Thursday, August 2, 2007

A mess

My house has been a bit of a mess lately. Here's proof...

(I admit it, I broke down and did the dishes after I took this picture. It was too gross.)

(The above picture is included to show that Naomi got so desperate for someone to play with, that she resorted to turning her brother into Ariel's sister Alana. Naomi is, of course, Ariel.)
(This picture will also be used as blackmail to keep Asher is line during his dating years.)
(It should also be noted that this picture was NOT taken in the early morning, and yet Asher and Naomi are both still in their PJ's)

And here's why...

My book club is doing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows this month. I didn't get my hands on a copy until Monday afternoon, and the club meets on Thursday night. But I guess I could have taken the time to do the dishes, because I actually finished reading Wednesday night. Then I went into serious HP Withdrawl. I had been living in his world so intently, and for so long that I nearly called my family Muggles and tried to get the dishes to do themselves using my spatula as a wand.


chelsea said...

I'm with you on the serious HP withdrawal. What to do? I wish every single day that Roger could Apparate home from work.

Sarah said...

I'm laughing at all the bottles on your kitchen counter! When I took my two days to read HP I totally forgot about one of my REALLY good friend's baby shower. She was very gracious the next day as I gave her the HP excuse. It was pretty embarassing.

Asher looks gorgeous! Have you guys ever thought of turning him into a girl? (jk!)

Kelly Jo said...

Asher does look pretty cute but I must admit, sit down for this one. . .no HP withdrawal here, I've never read a single one. I don't have this "I will never read Harry Potter" thing, just haven't an appeal. Glad you enjoyed it!!