Thursday, October 4, 2007


Asher talks a bit now. But he doesn't really use his words to communicate needs yet. The words he says are like "doggie" for every animal, "mamamamamama" for any parent or help of any sort, etc. But please believe me when I say that he usually gets his point across loud and clear without using any words.

For example: he'll grab my hand and drag me to the fridge where he will point. Then he will drag me across the kitchen and point at the cupboard where he knows his sippy-cups are. Obviously he wants a drink. So I grab a cup and turn on the water to get him a drink. Suddenly he screams. I look at him - he is wildly motioning at the refrigerator. Apparently he wants a drink of MILK.
Another example: When he is done eating he simply signals that to me by throwing his food/cup on the ground - usually resulting in an explosion of milk or PB&J or cracker crumbs.
Yet another example: When Asher wants to get out of his bed he throws his pacifier across the room. And he's got a strong arm! It can often be heard whacking the floor or occassionally the wall with a good loud thump.
And another: When Asher is doing something naughty and realizes that Mom is watching from across the room, he smiles sweetly and then nods his head. This apparently is meant to reassure me that climbing from the ottoman to the top of the TV is OK.
One more: When he needs a diaper change he grabs his toosh and lays down in the place on the floor where I usually change his diaper.

As you can see, some of these examples are wonderful. I'm so happy to have him inform me of when he needs a diaper change instead of me not knowing and letting it go so long that his sensitive little toosh turns bright red. But the food throwing I could do without. The being dragged around by the hand is kinda cute. But climbing under dressers and cribs to find a pacifier that has been flung across the room is NOT cute. Long story short, I think words are probably the most effective way for him to communicate. *sigh* Some day soon, right?

1 comment:

angela michelle said...

When Roscoe was a little toddler (and quite slow on the talking thing) I used to dream of the day I'd hear a child call me mom. feelings on the topic have changed. My favorite thing about Asher is the way he chants "uh-uh-uh" to let you know he's on his way to trouble.