Friday, January 30, 2009
Weekend Blues
In some ways, I hate the weekends. You people don't blog enough! Here I have more time than usual to read blogs since Richard is home, and you guys return the favor by not blogging! Ugh. I need to be entertained, people! Stop spending quality time with your families and write something funny!
And I seriously thought about clicking the "Publish Post" button with just that. And then I realized that I need some happy pills. Sheesh. Downer!
Here's a funny to story to make it up to you:
Asher woke up from his nap today and called to me in his usual way "Mom! I ready to wake up!... Mom, I ready to wake up!... Mom! {emphasis on each syllable} I rea-dy to wake up!" When I walked into his room the first thing he said {in an urgent tone} was "I need... a snack, Mom." Like he had seriously deliberated on this for some time and come to the educated conclusion that his body was in need of nourishment.
Ok, so that's not that funny of a story. More like just a quirky piece of my life with Asher. But - at least it's not totally cynical, right?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Language skills
I've had a very clever post planned in my head all about how Isaiah's forms of communication at this point in his life remind me of Star Wars. C3PO squeaks and Chewy roars. But instead, you get this cute video of Isaiah and his Dad. Isaiah and his father had just been having quite a conversation for the last few minutes, but of course I only caught the tail end of it and it's not so great.
Basically, Isaiah totally understands I'd say 80% of what we say. And he can make his wishes known very clearly. But he has yet to use any words that you'd find in the dictionary except for a long string of "Mamamamamamamamamama" for me (would you find that in dictionary?). He nods his head and says "uh huh" for the affirmative. He shakes his head and says "uh uh" for the negative. He says "huh?" as in "what did you say?" He points and grunts to whatever he wants. He brings me things that he wants something done with (blocks he wants put together, a cup he wants refilled, a blanket he wants on top of him, etc.). I was a little worried for a while there that maybe he was in some way delayed, but What To Expect says that as long as it's clear he's understanding us, he'll probably start speaking eventually. I just hope it's before he's a Senior in High School.
So without further ado, a short video for your entertainment (it's quite a comedy of errors, really):
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Have a good day! We're playing in the snow!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Brownies and Beauty Queens
Here's some pics of the kids "helping" me make the brownies earlier in the day.
(Oh, and thanks for the cute apron, Mom! It's great! Naomi would have worn hers too, but she was too busy being a ballerina.)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thanks Uncle Josh!
Also, in this shot - my updated hair do. It was cut over Christmas by my talented SIL Jessica.
Naomi is a total poser. Always has been. But at least she knows what works for her!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I know, it's shameless. But really I just want it to look like I get as much traffic as I actually do. Or maybe more. More would be OK, too. ... Totally shameless. [Shaking head]
Monday, January 19, 2009
First Snow
Richard is home today for MLK day. So we staged a "cleaning blitz" this morning and got a jump start on my plan for the week to eradicate clutter, remove dirt, and expel dust. Oh, and we finally got the Christmas stuff put away. That's only a week after we got home, so if you think about it, that's like I put the decorations away on January 7. Ya know? Ya with me on this rationalization?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Naomi: But we didn't see that prophet guy today!
Me: What prophet guy?
Naomi: The one we talked about in school.
Me: You mean Martin Luther King, Jr.
Naomi: Yeah.
Me: He's not a prophet.
Naomi: What? Yes he is!
Me: Nope. He's not a prophet.
Naomi: Why not?
Me: Because... he was a really great man who helped the world in really great ways, but he wasn't giving us Heavenly Father's words. A prophet is someone who tells us what Heavenly Father wants us to hear and do. On Monday we'll have a special holiday where Daddy doesn't have to go to work and you don't have to go to school and we'll remember the great things Martin Luther King, Jr. said. But he's not a prophet.
Naomi: But we'll see him on Monday?
Me: Well, no. Actually, he's dead.
Naomi: What? Already?
Me: Yep.
Naomi: But can we see him on TV?
Me: Well, maybe we can see him talk on the computer. OK?
Naomi: OK.
After Naomi and I had this chat and I came to write it down quickly before I forgot about the "What? Already!" part, I got to thinking. MLK was a prophet in many ways. He was telling us what Heavenly Father wanted us to hear. I believe his popular speech and much of his life was inspired. But that may be a little deep for a 5 year old. So, thanks Naomi. For helping me have deep thoughts about Martin Luther King, Jr on this oft-ignored holiday.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I still repeat my little mantra of "You're a woman of strength. You can do this." sometimes when I'm facing a tough obstacle.
During our 2-day road trip home from Texas last weekend there was a point where the kids really needed a break. All three of them were kinda loosing it and starting to cry and whine excessively. We pulled over at the next exit even though it didn't look like there would be any great place to let the kids out. We parked in a tiny gas station parking lot. There was a small patch of grass between the gas station and a highway. NOT an ideal playplace, but the kids were desperate (and therefore so were Richard and I!). The kids were a little uneasy about us telling them to run around in such an odd place and it was cold and, like I said, they were all whiny. So I started running around in circles in the small patch of grass. Pretty soon all three kids were chasing me. We kept it up for a good ten minutes and then piled back into the car to keep on truckin'. As I drove away from there I thought to myself "Holy cow. I just ran around in circles for 10 minutes and I feel great. I feel better! I feel invigorated - not exhausted. Wow!"
I am a woman of strength. I figured that out some years ago. But now, I am a new kind of "woman of strength." I am a physically strong woman of strength. And that is something I have never been before. My goal when I started this new exercise regime was to be able to pick up both boys at the same time. Not just hold them, but pick them up from the ground. I can do that now (and I do - often!). My arms have muscles they never had before. I've dropped 2, almost 3, jeans sizes and who knows how many inches. I am a woman of strength.
And I'm not done yet.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
In case you haven't noticed, I've been busily catching up on blogging the photos from our trip. I've been back-dating them to around when they actually were taken, so cruise through the old stuff for some great photo's (if you haven't already seen them in a Reader, that is). One more back-dated post to go and I'll be all caught up. I've got to get caught up and ready for the next Bloggy Carnival. I sometimes wonder if it does me any actual publicity-related good to do these carnival's - but I'm pretty sure I got at least one sale over Christmas because the woman had bookmarked me for her hubby and put me on her Christmas list. I'm also pretty sure that being on someone's Christmas list is an (unknown) wish come true. That is so dang COOL!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
What makes a good marriage?
I especially liked that quote in the last section. “Selfishness suffocates spiritual senses.” As he says, remember that.I have also observed over the years couples who have been able to maintain strong and vital marriages as they remain true to the covenants they take upon themselves in the temple. […] There is great value in thinking about what makes a good marriage and the kind of person who will be able to make and keep temple covenants. Thinking ahead this way is why successful couples have been able to date and learn to know each other and come to know where the heart of that future companion will be for time and all eternity.
First, these successful couples know individually who they are—a son or daughter of God. They set eternal goals to once again live with our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. They strive to leave the ways of the natural man behind.
Second, they know the doctrine and the importance of the saving temple ordinances and temple covenants and their necessity in achieving eternal goals.
Third, they choose to obtain the eternal blessings of the kingdom of God rather than the temporal or temporary possessions of the world.
Fourth, couples realize that when they are sealed for time and all eternity, they have chosen an eternal companion—their courting days are over! There is no need to look any further!
Fifth, couples think of one another before self. Selfishness suffocates spiritual senses. Remember that. Communicating with the Lord in prayer, they grow together and not apart. They converse with each another, thereby never letting little things become big things. They talk early about the “little hurts” with little fear of offending. In this way, when the pressure in the tea kettle builds and the whistle goes off, there is no explosion of bitter feelings. It is so much better to let off a little steam before the top blows off the pressure cooker. They are willing to apologize and ask forgiveness if they have hurt the one they love. They express their love for each other and become closer. Remember, “There is no fear in love.” They lift and strengthen one another.
The full transcript and mp3 are available at
Friday, January 2, 2009
I am excited that this new/old plan means we get another weekend with the Grandones. Tomorrow we'll head to the zoo for some fun. And I haven't even gone to church here yet since I was in Ohio last Sunday so it'll be nice to be around for that. Plus, if the boys' antibiotics kick in I might actually be able to go to the gym this next week. So it's all looking up.
A couple of days ago I drove to our old house in Plano and then drove from there my old route to my High School. Oh, the memories. I got a ticket there... I had a date there... I went there after that one thing... But the place has changed so much! That side of town is totally more developed. I actually almost got lost because a road that used to dead end, now keeps on going! And the school has been added on to. It was quite a tripy trip. I dreamt a weird collage of memories that night. If only I had been as confident then as I am now... So many of my "problems" were just my own neuroses. I know that's probably a pretty common High School related thought. If only I really could write a letter to myself in my youth like that country song talks about. I'd say things like "the girls in church don't really hate you, they just don't know you - which is your fault." And "just smile at everybody and you'll have loads of friends." And "Don't worry, you'll rock college" Happiness seemed so evasive then and it seems so simple now. Not easy or always present, but simple.