Friday, June 19, 2009

Smallest of Vacations

Richard and I just had loads of fun for about 10 minutes dreaming together (over IM) about little mini-weekend-vacations we could take this weekend. Ocean City, MD. Baltimore. Annapolis. Downtown DC. etc. All these places within a couple hours drive that we've never been to (or rarely).

Then Richard declared that he couldn't really do any of those things because of all the work he needs to do and the fact that he teaches on Sunday and we have a little friend coming over tomorrow for 7 hours of babysitting starting at 7 am.

Total downer!

So then Richard declared that he was leaving work immediately (at 3pm!) and we are going on a picnic at a park nearby. We'll buy Boston Market on the way, bring the bikes, and just play. Wa-who!!

Total upper!

Total downer. When we got to the park we realized that all the rain had made it one big puddle. So we ate our picnic, threw a few sticks in the high river and then came back home for some bike riding in the cul de sac. But, as an Upper, the ice cream truck came by and we got popsicles. So, it all turns out in the end!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I love the random little "vacations" we take too. It certainly helps on those days when we're dreaming of a vacation to Europe....

Sorry about the rain puddles at the park! But I'm glad the ice cream truck came in the end!