Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Handyman Daddy
His original list included "re-caulk around kitchen faucet" but we upgraded that to "replace the kitchen faucet". Look at my shiny new, fancy faucet! (Pardon the dishes - there are a few extra people here, making messes hard to avoid)
His other big project was to extend the tile from the kitchen in front of the back door. The red dirt in the backyard was totally staining the carpet in front of the door because the carpet was too tall to put a rug there. So, wa-laa! Tile extended! I'm so happy, I'm giddy!
Wild and Crazy Fun
Here are some beautiful pictures taken by my SIL Jessica. I love her photography skills and her camera. I kinda wish she could just follow me around through all my life taking these beautiful pictures.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
We love our iBert!
This evening Jessica took her 3 kids to play mini-golf so our little family had some time to ourselves. A couple of days ago I surprised Richard by buying him an "iBert". It's a great child-seat for a bike. It goes on the front of the bike instead of the back - which makes it easier for Richard to ride and balance, and more fun for the kid who has a great unimpeded view of the fun. It was a total hit! Both boys are small enough to fit in it (one at a time, I mean). Asher wouldn't try it until he saw Isaiah having fun, but as soon as he got in he enjoyed it even more than Isaiah. Asher loves speed.
Monday, July 20, 2009
My to-do list has a million things crossed off! Unfortunately, every time I go to look at it and cross things off, I also add a couple of things.
I washed the bathroom rugs today. Unfortunately, one of them started unraveling itself to bits and left blue strings all over my washing machine while self-destructing.
I hung the other rugs on the front porch railing to dry on this beautiful day. Unfortunately, within minutes of doing that, the kids came in from the backyard saying "It's raining!"
I bought some yummy, gourmet taffy like a month ago to save for when my family is here. Unfortunately, it was too tempting and I already started eating it.
But it's all OK. I'm having fun cleaning these bits of my house that I usually just walk past and ignore. And my house is so clean! And tomorrow my guests start arriving! Ruthie, my Dad, Jessica and her three kids are the first installment. I can't wait!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Family ASL for Isaiah
The older kids think sign language is a blast and have been signing to me plenty. Isaiah, however, seem resistant. I'm not sure why. We started with the sign for "milk" since that is his most frequent request through the day. Then I taught him "water" so that I could ask him which he would prefer (it's always milk that he chooses, but choices are important to little guys like him). We've learned a few others just for fun, like family, brother, sister, apple, please, thank you, more, etc.
What I really need to do next is look up signs for other things Isaiah frequently requests - fruit snacks, granola bars, to be picked up, to go outside, etc.
What I'd really like is for him to start speaking.
****Update: Shortly after posting this Isaiah signed "more milk please" to me! Triumph!****
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Emily and The Trip to the Zoo
Here is Richard, Kevin and Emily playing a game on Sunday night after dinner.
The Zoo!
Everybody loves Grandma Worth!
Here's Emily. Asher and Naomi always wanted to walk next to her.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Asher Rows A Boat -or- Asher Starts Potty Training
Sure, I could be doing one of the bazillion things on my to-do list in preparation for 20 people staying at my house for two weeks. But instead I started potty-training. Makes perfect sense, right? Actually, it does make sense because Asher sat on that toilet for a good 20 minutes while I folded laundry. And he even had some success! His big motivation was when I told him that it would make a cool sound when he peed. He did it within two minutes of me telling him that.
I guess that's all I should tell you since clearly the boy values his privacy.
He's still in diapers until I can do this on any kind of schedule. But I figure if the boy wants to sit on the toilet (keeping him occupied and out of trouble for 20 minutes), that's fine with me!
After all, "Bap is but a dream!"
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Squirrels Collecting Nuts
The kids and I had a fun trip out to Great Falls Park today. Great Falls Park is famous for it's waterfalls, but what my kids love about it is the rocks to climb on. It was a little hotter than we planned so we didn't stay long. The highlight for the kids was when they found a shady place with these nut-like things all over the ground. They decided they needed to "help the squirrels collect the nuts" so they started gathering them into a pile. All three kids ran around in circles for like 20 minutes collecting nuts.
My sister, Angela, calls her smaller children "squirrels" because they are always running around in circles, busy busy busy, making piles and feeling urgent about everything. That's exactly how my kids were today. They definitely were the squirrels.
Here's Asher with a lovely collection of rocks.
I love this picture of Isaiah because he looks like some dessert creature climbing out from between two rocks ready to do something mischievous.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Mantle Mania
After: Better but still not great
What do you think? The crud over on the left is the sunscreen, bug spray and baby powder that we keep next to the back door for quick access in the back yard. I wish it wasn't there, but it really needs to be for the next couple of months. In the middle is two little birds with some cute little flowers behind them. I think the flowers need to go now that I've got the blue flowers, but it looked too bare without them. On the far right is the tissue box. Also, don't love it being there, but it's practical.
Blah. I'm officially tired of this mantle. I just can't seem to make it right. Help!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
4th of July 09
Check out Isaiah's hands in the photo below. He had his flag and sucker carefully balanced in one hand and his water in the other. He maintained this balance for a good ten minutes. Alternating between sucker-sucking, water-drinking, and flag-waving.
Naomi's favorite part is always the "fancy ladies".
Our Patriotic drinks:
Carnival rides!
Waiting for the fireworks to start:
Girl's Camp
I got to camp in time for their skits, then it was quiet time which I used to catch up on the camp gossip with the other leaders. Two of our girls had already gone home with raging fevers thanks to Strep Throat that they were passing around. Another girl went home that night. Then we had a scrumptious dinner of home-fried french fries (with burgers and dogs on the side). That evening was the big testimony meeting and an incredibly well-planned spiritual "challenge" that had me in tears several times. We didn't get back to our camp-ground until after 11pm and didn't make it near a bed until closer to 12. I decided on sleeping in the back of the van (rather than setting up a new tent for just one night) which was great except that it was on a slight slant so I had to wedge my feet under the seats to keep from sliding forward. The next day flew by with goodbyes and cleaning up the camp and by noon I was back in the van on my way home with six tired, stinky, silly, punch-drunk girls.
I'm so glad I got to go. The girl's seemed glad to see me - which makes me happy. Girl's Camp was always such a special experience for me, so I'm glad I got to be a part of their experience. The leaders who were there the entire week kept saying how wonderful it was for me to come up and I kept replying that it wasn't as wonderful as staying up there the whole time like they had! Next year I'd really like to be able to go the entire time. I missed out on so much!
...Remind me of that next year, OK?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Planning the 4th
Tomorrow I'm going to Girl's Camp. Just for 24 hours or so, but still, Mommy being away for any amount of time takes some planning. I leave tomorrow at 1pm. The babysitter, Alex, will have the kids all afternoon. She usually just is here for 2 hours in the morning. So I really need to write up some instructions and such. And Richard isn't sure when he'll be able to get off work (he's finishing up a big project) so Alex may even have to feed the kids and put them to bed. There is still a pile of stuff in the living room leftover from our garage sale this past weekend (anybody want a personal gym or DVD burner?). The dining room table is scattered with the stuff leftover from my project of decorating 20 hats for the girls at Girl's Camp. The dishes are a bit piled up. The last load of laundry should be folded. And a million other things too, really.
...This was very therapeutic. After looking over my pathetic list of things to do I have decided that I should just stop complaining and do it! I want to go to Girl's Camp - it was my choice, I don't have to go. And I want to be able to enjoy my time away from home. If I don't get this place cleaned up, I'll dread coming back to it. So, off I go. ... But I'm taking the kids out to dinner later. That's my compromise.
Thanks for your help!