Thursday, November 8, 2007


(That's me sticking my tongue out and blowing)

That's how I feel today. Emotionally yucky. I'm a grump. I'm in a bad mood. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm PMSing. There's no sunshine in my soul. Whatever you want to say. I am generally a happy person. I've spent a long time getting rid of (most of the) sarcasm and pessimism that I built up in my youth. Now, I try hard to be the perky one. But today is an exception and I am going with it. I'm gonna be emotionally grumpy. Here are some things I suggest doing on an emotionally grumpy day (if you are ever like me) to pass time without actually facing life.

* Let your kids take a long bath with bubbles and more water than usual. Do not gripe about too big of splashes. Do not wash them or their hair. This may seem like just giving them what they want - but it's really a break for you. You could even read a book or magazine if you want. This killed 40 minutes this morning!

* Sit on the floor in the family room and pick up a toy. Your 3 year old will take it from you faster than spit because she thinks it is the best toy in the house since you are holding it. Then pick up a book and start reading it aloud. Your toddler will come sit on your lap. You can space out totally while the 3 year old plays and the toddler sit quietly and you mindlessly increase the toddler's brain power. If the toddler is young enough you might even be able to get away with reading YOUR book aloud to him!

* Go get UNdressed. That's right. Put those PJ's back on. This doesn't really pass time - but you feel better while the time passes.

* Make a gigantic batch of cookie dough. Make a normal batch of cookies from the gigantic batch of dough. Use the dough as therapy - it's cheaper anyway.

* Let your kids have a second snack. Let them play in the water in the bathroom - in fact, hand them 3 spoons and 2 bowls. Ignore your kids when they squabble unless there's blood present.

* Make your Christmas list. Get on the computer and make a list like you used to when you were a kid. Did you know there were prices in those ToysRUs ads when you were 7? No! So just go find all the stuff you want and put it in a list. It's fun.

* Ya know that one thing, or that pile of things, that has been sitting on your kitchen counter/in the front hall/on the stairs for three months? Pick it up and stick in in a cupboard. Or the laundry room. Or under your bed. Wherever. The point is - move it. That way you feel like you've been productive because that pile isn't there any more!

* Get back in bed at some point and pull the covers all the way up over your head. Imagine you're in some other bed from your past when you had less going on. For me - it's my college bed. Imagine the room around you. Imagine the other people in the house with you. Imagine what you're going to have for dinner. Basically - take a vacation in your mind.

*Write a silly blog post to validate your grumpy feelings and the fact that you are being totally non-productive and adolescent.

Any other suggestions on how to pass the time on an emotionally grumpy day?


Nancy Sabina said...

OH! I forgot: give your toddler his pacifier all day even though you've just worked for a month to get him to leave it in his bed.

erica said...

amen sister. and if 1 day isn't enough, go for 2.
I also believe in having your kids watch tv when you normally wouldn't while you lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling. and ponytails - doing your hair on grumpy days is too much.

Jenny said...

Lock the bathroom door and have a good cry


get on You-Tube and look up funny wedding moments or potter puppet pals and have a good laugh

...whichever feels more appropriate.

Nancy Sabina said...

Potter Puppet Pals was pretty funny. I watched "the Mysterious Ticking Noise" and it did make me laugh out loud. I also get a kick out of the Moms' William Tell Overture. If you haven't seen than one you NEED to go look.

angela michelle said...

I think these are excellent plans. The main idea is to suspend normal rules and find something in which to indulge. Pronounce, "This day sucks," totally write it off, and plan on a better one tomorrow.
I can't believe you've been watching HP puppets. It's one of the boys' favorites.
Also, Joe says there's an amazing youtube clip involving alligators and zebras? Joe, help us out here.