Sunday, November 25, 2007


I know it's several days after the fact, but I am finally ready to post pictures of Thanksgiving. It took me a day or two to get things together enough to be up to the task. But now the house is back to pretty much normal. And my stress level is back to normal. So now I can look back on the holiday and savor the memories. Here are some of the great shots.

A busy kitchen, of course. Here, Anna is making homemade noodles using the turkey juices. We had noodles instead of gravy. Yum, yum, yum!

This is our dining room and living room set with our three tables. Here's the tally: two of my tables, 12 of my chairs, one table and three chairs from Grant and Margaret, and five chairs from Kevin and Kelly. Don't even get me started on where we got all the silverware and other necessities.

And we all wouldn't be here without Margaret and Grant starting it all with a gleam in their eyes.
Here's the whole group. We squeezed into this corner for a photo where I had jammed all the living room furniture - but for some reason a lot of people seemed to like it there and hung out there, five or six on the couch at a time. There was lots of love in the room.

Cousins watching TV. Here is Asher and Collin enjoying a little bonding time.

Cousins in a tree. Here are Aiden, Emily and Kyle in the tree in our front yard. I think the whole neighborhood knew we had family over. They could hear and see us pretty much the whole day. I think this because several of them have made comments to me. I think maybe they think I'm nuts.

Cousins hugging. Here is Avery, Ashby and Erin hanging out and passing around the love.

Cousins hanging out. Here's an example of too many people piled on the couch like I mentioned before. It was a popular corner of the house despite it's cramped furnishings.

It was a fabulous Thanksgiving. The food was fabulous, the company was fabulous. It really couldn't have been better. So thanks to everybody who came and helped and ate. Any of you West Coast Worths wanna come next year? Our door is always open.

1 comment:

Jolie said...

Looks like you guys had a one big party! Sorry we missed it. I'm glad you are recovered. Having that many people is a feat in itself!!!