Monday, November 5, 2007


A while back my sister-in-law, Chelsea, tagged me. Which I guess means I am supposed to write six things about me that not many people know. That's a tall order since mostly my family reads this blog. But I thought of at least one good one today, so here goes:

* I was once rescued by a UPS man. When I was like 8 I was riding my bike down a monstrous hill and at the bottom I braked wrong or something and flew over the handlebars, skidding on my face. My two front teeth came entirely out. The UPS man carried me home.

* One of my front teeth is totally fake and the other is half fake - see above.

* I went to college at an LDS school, this most of you know. What you don't know is that I basically did it on a bet between me and God. God won.

* I would never marry someone I hadn't know for at least a year - maybe two. Oh...Oops. Richard and I went from meeting to married in about 3 months. And we just happily celebrated our 6th anniversary - so take that stubborn-know-it-all-younger me.

* I snuck out of the house after curfew on a regular basis during high school. Usually just to walk around my neighborhood. Alone. Every once in a while, to meet a boy.

* I was run over by a car on my mission. My companion was driving and she thought I was in the car, but I wasn't. I had leaned in the back door right behind her to put my bag on the seat. She went right over my foot. I was wearing Mary Janes with a huge buckle. Miraculously - nothing was broken. I have great pictures of the tire tread marks on my stockings and my big swollen black and blue foot. Too bad they're not digital.

* Even though I sometimes complain about it on this blog, I LOVE being a Mom. I feel like it is one of the few things in my life that I am really really good at. I know that may sound arrogant - and time will tell how good I am - but it's my dream job and I think I pull it off pretty successfully.

I was really inspired to do this by my mother-in-law. The things she put on her list just totally blew my mind! What an interesting life she has led! So with that, I tag my mother (who doesn't have a blog but I really hope she'll do this anyway and email it to me and I'll post it here), my sister Angela, who has also led an interesting life including foreign travels and eccentric friends, etc., and my sister-in-law Jessica who is Dutch and for sure has intriguing things in her past that I have no idea about. Share, ladies!


Farmer Joe said...

I need to hear more about this bet:

"I went to college at an LDS school, this most of you know. What you don't know is that I basically did it on a bet between me and God. God won."

Nancy Sabina said...

The bet was kind of along the lines of "I bet ya even if I apply to this dumb church school I won't get in. I'm only gonna apply to this one school and if I don't get in then I'm not meant to go to school. And even if I did get in I would never become one of those stupid happy Molly Mormons." God won because I did get in, I did go, and I did become a Molly Mormon right down to serving a mission. It was a bet I was happy to loose.