Monday, August 25, 2008

He can walk!


Yep. That's right folks. At 15 1/2 months old, Isaiah is finally starting to walk. And he's off and going at a pretty quick pace! He caught the desire finally when he took a few steps at the reunion last week and got quite a round of applause from his audience of several Aunts and Uncles. Now he's walking more and more every day and loving it more and more.

(For those reading this through the blogreader, click through to see the video attached.)


angela michelle said...

That baby is so dang cute!!! He looks like once he started he really picked it up fast. He can even stand up just from the ground, not holding onto anything. And he walks fast. So cute!

Grampa Earl said...

I think he was waiting until he had it all figured out before he took his first step. Now we get to watch those thunder thighs slim down. Next thing you know, he'll be a man.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh I'm so sad I'm missing it! I can't believe thats Isaiah walking! I miss those kids so much!