Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Long, long ago, in a land far, far away (Washington state instead of Washington D.C.) there lived a happy family of 8 and their dog. The dog was named Dozer. Dozer had been given his name because when he was a puppy he bulldozed his way through his siblings to get to his food. He was a force to be reckoned with. No one and nothing kept him from his goal. His chub made his bulldozing moves even more powerful. He was loved by one and all - because who could NOT love a chubby little guy who has his heart set on something.

Flash forward to today.

One of the children from that family of 8 has children of her own. The child's child is named Isaiah, but is frequently referred to as Pooch or Poochy (and sometimes PoochMaster2000). This Pooch has many things in common with Dozer of Old. They both love food. They both make messes and eat food off the floor. They both let no one and nothing get in their way. Case in point, Poochy often elbows and shoves his way through his siblings to get to the prime spot on his Mommy's lap during story time. It doesn't matter what obstacle may block his path - he will get there. And, like his predecessor, Poochy is loved by one and all because who could NOT love a chubby little guy who has his heart set on something.

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