Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Full Confession/Announcement

I guess I'd better fully confess since most of you already figured out my not-so-subtle innuendo. I'm pregnant.

We are thrilled! The internet says that my due date will be December 21, but we'll see if the Dr. adjusts that at all. I'm already anxious to start feeling "symptoms" and blaming my cookie cravings on pregnancy.

I'm sharing this news with you all much, much earlier than most people do, I know. Here's my theory on that: Most people don't share in case something happens and the pregnancy doesn't work out and they don't want to have to have that awkward "Actually, I'm not pregnant anymore" conversation. And I totally get that. I've miscarried before and had to do that. But, here's the thing. If I miscarried, I'd blog about that too. This is a family journal for us as well as sort of a "letter" to you. So, I'd share. Plus, I can't keep a secret for beans. One side effect of me sharing this with you so soon is that this pregnancy will probably seem very long to you. When it isn't actually your body, I think you're not really used to waiting the full 9 months. Ya know? You usually only hear about other people's pregnancy's for the last 5 months or so. I suppose if you don't want to start hearing about this now, you can just not read my blog for a couple of months!

One thing I'm super excited about with this pregnancy that I have never experienced before is having "fat clothes". I've never lost weight before, so I just had my normal wardrobe, and my pregnancy wardrobe. But that poses a bit of a problem for those awkward months where you're not really showing yet but you don't really fit your normal clothes either. This time around, I've got a closet full of clothes that are too baggy at this point since I've recently lost weight. So, I'm excited to have more options as I grow this time around.

I'm also excited to be able to exercise through this pregnancy - something else I've never done before. "They" say that you can do whatever kind of physical activities you were doing before when you're pregnant. Well, I wasn't doing anything - so I did nothing during my pregnancies. But this time I'm active(r) and can keep up my workout routine. I know I won't be at the gym every day or anything as my energy wains, but it'll be better than before!

I could babble on about things I'm excited about for several more paragraphs, but I'll save some more for another day.



Wendy said...


Jessica said...

Congratulations! That's awesome. Just one little thing... you don't think you are allowed to steal mom away for Christmas right???

angela michelle said...
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Clyde said...

G-R-E-A-T news... Congratulations to everyone!

I hope is another mini-Naomi. Not good that the male presence at your house keep increasing, you REALLY need a second cute girl with great locks to work on. :)

chelsea said...

i don't think i said congratulations, so congratulations!

Josh said...

Many congratulations! Joyous news!

Shannon said...

Congratulations, family is our most precious gift!

Jolie said...

So happy for you guys!

Rob and Kerri said...

Congrats Nancy! And bigger congrats on the things to look forward to..more clothes, cookies, and growing big.

erica said...

yeah! another cute Worth! is it too early to predict gender???

Rebecca said...

wow, congrats.