Tuesday, March 3, 2009

NaBloPoMo me, Baby!

I've wanted to join NaBloPoMo for a while now, but I always hear about it too late. But this time my sister, Angela, clued me in on only the 3rd of the month. And luckily, I've blogged the first two days.

If none of this is making sense to you, maybe I should explain. NaBloPoMo is NAtional BLOg POsting MOnth. The idea is that you blog every day. For...fun, I guess. Or to start the habit. Or, in my case, so that you don't seem pathetic and overly-bloggy when you post every day anyway. So you can expect something from me every day this month. I believe my previous record for most-bloggyness-in-a-month was 24 posts.

The theme for this month's NaBloPoMo is Giving (Up). When you participate, you don't have to follow the theme. But it sounds like fun so I'll probably throw some theme references in sometimes.

Today, for example, I gave up on getting all the things on my to-do list done. But I got a pretty good chunk done before I gave up - so that's pretty good.

Also today, I gave Asher a rug burn on his stomach when we were playing too rough.

1 comment:

angela michelle said...

Pathetic and overly bloggy? No way!