Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A house of...

I think one of the things that makes a blog fun to read is the reality of it. As a blog reader, I don't want just the "we're a perfect family" moments. Of course, I don't want to read about how much your life sucks all the time either. A good mix is important I think.

**Warning** If you are my mother you probably shouldn't read this. You don't want to know.**

So with that in mind, let me tell you about how out of control my house had gotten recently. Clutter. Out of control clutter. I mean, bad. The living room - my formal, fancy, first thing you see when you walk in the door, don't let the kids in there ever, room - was so full of stuff you could hardly walk. What stuff? Just...stuff. A suitcase from Richard's business trip a couple of weeks ago, a whiteboard, a miscellaneous magazine, a "crash pad" my brother-in-law left here, a formal dress my sister borrowed, piles of church papers, a pile of stuff that needs to go to the dry cleaners, etc. And then I came home from Sterlingfest and dumped all my stuff there too. We hadn't actually seen the whole top of the kitchen table in a while. The pile at the end of the counter was over-flowing. The little table I keep my purse on in the family room was piled with sweaters that hadn't found a home yet this Fall. I guess you don't need a total blow-by-blow of the clutter - but let me just say again that it was totally out of control. I'd been sick and I'd been busy prep-ing for Sterlingfest and I'd been lazy. Combine all that...and you get a nasty house. And it all came mentally crashing down on my yesterday. It crashed so hard that I made Richard stay home from work to help me because I was drowning in it.

So after a day of hard work we have a de-cluttered, clean, and more organized house. And we have a new "motto" if you will. D&C 88; 119. "Organize yourselves, prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." We started with the house of order. But we've implemented some new plans to help with a house of prayer and faith and learning too. Today I feel much more in control emotionally and physically. Whew.

So there you go. Proof that we are a family that is a work in progress. Just like yours.


Kelly Jo said...

oh man, I hate the drowning in clutter feeling. I'm all about how the order (or disorder) of your surroundings affect you emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc. I'll even make the bed after I come home from work (at like 8pm) if I was running late in the morning b/c it just feels better to crawl into a made bed at night.
Glad you're feeling better now! and yes, aren't we all a work in progress. . .

erica said...

amen. and well done.

Elieson Family said...

I am most impressed that Richard actually took off work to help! I've threatened to do that but no full well, it'd never happen. So, way to go Nancy and Super Way to Go Richard! My clean clothes pile had dust on it today when I decided to finally fold it and put it away...
All of this reminds me of a few years ago when everybody's start-up websites said "under construction" Remember those? I should put a sign up above my front door: "Family Under Construction". Or maybe something more challenging like "House of God under construction"

Paice Family said...

I hate that cluttery feeling too. With kids it can get that way in my house quick! I think it's awesome that you used a scripture to inspire you too! Man, I miss you guys!

Rebecca said...

I can't stand clutter. And when it's really bad, I also feel so overwhelmed. I just try to remember that I can only do one thing at a time and when I don't know where to begin, I just need to start somewhere!